there is a helluvalot more to him than the Performing!Dean he exudes and yes we have seen bits here and there (Dr Sexy etc) but many people still forget these snippets and watch the show on such a surface level they don’t see this, plus there is a lot we haven’t seen because he hides it and importantly, he hides a lot from Sam. But also specific little things like he not only knows but loves Dory, he fanboys over his Angel best friend and importantly is still an innately on point hunter.īonus: the fact that before he even got whammied he “had the hots for Larry as soon as you walked in here” and was pretty desperate to ride him when he thought Sam would never find out… that he is deep down a totally soft sweetheart (duh), is actually extremely lighthearted and his first instinct is to be kind to others and see the good in them. THEN: last season we had a PR / marketing heavy “fun” episode that turned into anything but, it was a total exposition of Real Dean, who he really is underneath, at his core, without all his childhood hang ups having moulded him into the repressed Dean we know so well who pretends not to like Dr Sexy, Oprah, pop music etc.
12x11 - 13x16: Scooby Doo and the Real Dean